Love Lent

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Desserts with strawberries

Love Lent at The Swan

Find New Favourite Alternatives

Have you given up something for Lent and already counting down the days until it ends on 29th March? Well don't panic, because Swan Shopping Centre is here to help make Lent run as smooth and stress-free as possible!

We've researched some of the most popular things to give up for Lent, and results found that chocolate, sweets, meat, fizzy drinks and alcohol were among the most common luxuries to give up. So, if like many others, you're choosing to give up one of these items from the list, take a look below at some of our top alternatives to replace them, and you never know, you may love them so much that you continue to choose them event after Lent has finished! We'll let you be the judge...

Chocolate alternative

Firstly, we'd like to give a massive shout out to all the chocoholics who have given up their holy grail for Lent! We know it seems like nothing can replace chocolate, but until you try you never know right? Whether you usually snack at work or have it as an evening treat, these fruity yogurt cups will make the perfect replacement! Packed with sweet strawberries, raspberries and blueberries, creamy yogurt and hearty oats, this is the perfect snack!

Sweets alternative

If you're someone who has a sweet tooth for all the naughty treats, then these chewy banana and honey muffins are a great alternative to your pack of sweets! Whether it's a lunchbox treat or after-dinner dessert, they're sure to go down well with the whole family!

sweets alternative

Meat alternative

Are you a full English fanatic? Replace your morning munch with a delicious and healthy avocado and egg breakfast burrito and start your day off as it should be, full of energy!

meat alternative

Fizzy drinks alternative

Cutting fizzy drinks out your diet may seem an impossible task, but really, it's as easy as ABC with this vibrant apple, beetroot and carrot creation!

fizzy drinks alternative

Alcohol alternative

If you're usually one to never miss an opportunity for a little tipple of your favourite alcohol, we feel you! But we're here to help you switch your cocktail for a mocktail, the possibilities are endless! Our top suggestion is a scrumptious blood orange mojito. Packed full of orange, lime, mint and sparkling water, your tastebuds never would have felt so refreshed!


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